The last time out, we stopped at trading Bitcoin.
How can i trade bitcoins?
when a business is moving in Nigeria, you can tell by the amount of people that are using it. As at moment there are several websites where you can buy and sell bitcoins in Nigeria and be paid in Naira straight into your Nigerian bank account. Sites like www.naira4dollar.com www.nairaex.com www.instantgold.ng www.localbitcoins.com etc. And you can also sell physically.
There are amazing ways to make money in BITCOIN and even get the equivalent amount in Naira instantly.
Relax, Let's take it a step at a time !
Let’s assume I introduce you to this amazing income opportunity and you are able to make just 10-20 bitcoins
All you have to do is to sell these bitcoins to the ever available and reliable currency exchangers that I introduced to you earlier on.
But before I proceed, let's do a bit of calculations here and let’s see how much in Naira you can make with 10 bitcoins. Let’s assume the value of one Bitcoin is $1272.50
$1272.50X10 = $12,725
If one bitcoin is 1272.50 USD, then 10 bitcoins would be equivalent to 12,725 USD
Conversion to Naira would be…
$12, 725 X 455 = 5, 789, 875 (That is close to 6 million naira already)
You had better believe it…it is true, and 100 percent proven!
Now, Let’s Talk About The Money Making Aspect Of BITCOIN, This Is The Part Where I Need You to take your mind off all other things for now and give it your 100% Attention. Please Drop Whatever It Is You Are Doing Right Now And Pay Close Attention. You’ll BE Glad You Did!
HOW CAN I MAKE MONEY WITH BITCOIN??? Another critical question!
Since we don't have enough like say $1250 or so to go and get 1BTC, and we want to be trading bitcoin, or even acquire up to 64 bitcon in less than 4months and be making our cool cash, there is a way out. All you need do is to just join the moving train of elites that believe "YES WE CAN", this is a place where impossible is nothing and a place where wealth is sure. This is talking about a group of close to about 60,000 members and still growing by the day. You can get to the site through this link https://www.five2btc.com/ref/9d1f8e822b And the site is called "FIVE2BTC.
For this is what will lead us to the next phase of the article which is:
Image Location: https://www.five2btc.com/banners/five2btc468.gif
But for inquiries and curiosity, you can contact me on private chat, or add me on whatsapp. 08024160612
I shall be more than willing to help you.
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