Twitter is booming as a social media destination for teenagers who
complain about too many adults and too much drama on Facebook,
according to a new study about online behaviour. It said teens are
sharing more personal information about themselves even as they try to
protect their online reputations.
Teens told researchers there were too many adults on Facebook and too much sharing of teenage angst and inane details like what a friend ate for dinner.
"The key is that there are fewer adults, fewer parents and just simply less complexity and less drama," said Amanda Lenhart of the Pew Research Center, one of the study's authors. "They still have their Facebook profiles, but they spend less time on them and move to places like Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr."
In the poll, 94 per cent of teens who are social media users have a profile on Facebook - flat from the previous year. Twenty-six percent of teen social media users were on Twitter. That's more than double the figure in 2011 of 12 per cent.
Teens told researchers there were too many adults on Facebook and too much sharing of teenage angst and inane details like what a friend ate for dinner.
"The key is that there are fewer adults, fewer parents and just simply less complexity and less drama," said Amanda Lenhart of the Pew Research Center, one of the study's authors. "They still have their Facebook profiles, but they spend less time on them and move to places like Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr."
In the poll, 94 per cent of teens who are social media users have a profile on Facebook - flat from the previous year. Twenty-six percent of teen social media users were on Twitter. That's more than double the figure in 2011 of 12 per cent.
In what is likely a concern to parents, more than 60 percent of the
teens with Twitter accounts said their tweets were public, meaning
anyone on Twitter - friend, foe or stranger - can see what they write
and publish. About one-quarter of kids said their tweets were private
and 12 per cent said they did not know whether their tweets were public
or private. More?
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